My Name is Ryan, and I’m a House Sitter for Hire

Are you leaving your home and want someone to take care of it while you’re away? Perhaps you have a vacation home that needs care-taking or your pets are in need of companionship and care while you’re away.

If you’re a home owner looking for a house sitter to take care of one of your largest assets and possibly your furry friends you’re on the right site.

This isn’t a web directory that will link house sitters to house owners, but rather a site where you can talk directly to a house sitter that will take care of your home.

New to the concept of house sitting?

Read some of my articles about house sitting to learn how it works, why you should consider it, and what to expect.

Interview me for the job of watching your property while you’re away.

Learn more about Ryan and why you should hire him, or fill out the contact form below to begin dialogue.